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The Heart of the Sky
all this ice will not slow us
love declines our delays
we will not numb what we're feeling
but it will not give us more days
will not straighten these
bending and homecoming ways
so tell the stories of the first things we've known
and try to forget we're here to carry you home
and as we retrace you through this backwards goodbye
we will mark all the paths to the heart of the sky
after we've taken off these terrorbound clothes
and gathered to sing to you the reasons you chose
we are torn from our orbits and our loneliness asks where to go
here in these hallways that remember your voice
your children are hiding with serenity's poise
and as we betray them by the love in our eyes
we will mark all the paths to the heart of the sky
the missing towers watch surrender in turn
like absent arguments there's all time to learn
but then we say them and we're still called to rise
I hug your parents and have no hope to hold this disguise
so tell the stories of the first things we've known
and try to forget we're here to carry you home
and as we retrace you through this backwards goodbye
we will mark all the paths to the heart of the sky
behind the bridges where our cars spun out
the sequels know what our lives were about
after the ice storm and the rituals fade
we go back to our wonder and try to live worthier days
here in these hallways that remember your voice
your children are hiding with serenity's poise
and as we betray them by the love in our eyes
we will mark all the paths to the heart of the sky
so tell the stories of the first things we've known
and try to forget we're here to carry you home
and as we retrace you through this backwards goodbye
we will mark all the paths to the heart of the sky
but still won't straighten these
bending and homecoming ways
[Made with DM1, GarageBand, iO Dock and an iPad.
Music devised in mid-air, words discovered gradually later.
For William Texas Bradley, 1967-2013, and all our friends.]  
Site contents published by glenn mcdonald under a Creative Commons BY/NC/ND License except where otherwise noted.